I think it’s fun to see all the support and rant reactions about Microsoft rewriting #TypeScript tooling in #Go instead of C# or Rust.

Notice that I said "fun", not "interesting". It’s fun because this is just the latest version of "vim vs. emacs" or "tabs vs. spaces". Everyone has opinions, everyone has their favorite programming language, but at the end of the day, 0% (or a very close number) of the people ranting about it are actually working on the project. It’s always easy to criticize someone else’s work when you have nothing at stake.


If you have a fediverse account, you can reply to this note from your own instance. Search https://gts.erick.sh/users/erick/statuses/01JP4X853MK834XX3RR5E1XYMW on your instance and reply to it.

@erick Hah I made a similar comment to a group chat about this yesterday.

I guess I get it from one angle, where people who are invested in certain languages are interested because 'have I made a mistake in my choice of language?' but imo if you like what you're doing and there's no impending doom about it then no need to hassle folk who choose something for their own reasons.