Misskeyで投稿を引用すると、自動的に「RE: URL」がコンテンツに追加されますが、他のActivityPub実装(AkkomaやFedibird)とは異なり、この部分にCSSクラスがないため、カスタムCSSで非表示にできません。



When quoting posts in Misskey, “RE: URL” is automatically added to content, but unlike other ActivityPub implementations (Akkoma, Fedibird), this section lacks a CSS class, making it impossible to hide with custom CSS.

I've created an issue proposing to add a .quote-inline class to quoted text in Misskey. If you agree with this improvement, please consider starring or commenting on the issue:



I make things for the &

Talk about

I post

Vlog at

Work on

I life-cast at @reiver@reiver ⊼ (Charles) 💬

Code in

I like to understand things. I like to make things.

The meaning of life — first survive, then reproduce 🌞

Formal b/g: comp sci, math. Pro b/g: soft eng, ml, research

An intersectionalist, feminist, and socialist guy living in Seoul (UTC+09:00). @tokolovesme금강토's spouse. Who's behind @fedifyFedify: an ActivityPub server framework, @hollo, and @botkitBotKit by Fedify :botkit:. Write some free software in , , , & . They/them.

서울에 사는 交叉女性主義者이자 社會主義者. 金剛兔(@tokolovesme금강토)의 配偶者. @fedifyFedify: an ActivityPub server framework, @hollo, @botkitBotKit by Fedify :botkit: 메인테이너. , , , 等으로 自由 소프트웨어 만듦.
