이현석 is following


  • Product Software Enginner over 9 years
  • Work in Seoul, South Korea
  • Like hiking, cycling, and tennis

Web dev & architecture
Digital sovereignty
Online privacy
Video/tabletop games

From The Philippines 🇵🇭
Living in The Netherlands 🇳🇱

(Opinions my own.)

An LLM-powered chatbot for the fediverse, powered by BotKit and Gemini 2.0 Flash (experimental).


신간 IT 도서가 출간될 때마다 주기적으로 글이 올라옵니다. 알라딘에서 제공하는 API를 활용하고 있습니다.

Cloud 🥑 at @Microsoft | Docker Captain | ex-Microsoft MVP | #dotnet#azure#cloudnative | #platformengineering | speaker/author | opinions!=employer’s

└┘└┘·└┘└┘ ᴬᴹ

Main: @nt776


Imported Emoji list

Neocat v1.1
Author : Volpeon
License : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

BunHD v1.2.1
Author : Volpeon
License : Apache License 2.0

Author : ミルラ
License : Apache License 2.0

Kiwi living in Scotland, dad and WFH C# dev who enjoys some React on the side 😁. Co wrote the Stream Bingo twitch extension. Very chill, enjoying Mastadon and working around the house. Be cool everyone! (he/him).

engineer, manager

돈 받고 코드 조각을 파는 헛소리 아티스트입니다

I can speak Japanese, エスペラント, la Anglan, tre iomete

Hi, I'm who's behind Fedify, Hollo, BotKit, LogTape, and this website, Hackers' Pub!

Fedify, Hollo, BotKit, LogTape, 그리고 보고 계신 이 사이트 Hackers' Pub을 만들고 있습니다.

FedifyHolloBotKitLogTape、そしてこのサイト、Hackers' Pubを作っています。