ここがHacker's Pubちゃんですか
@yamanokuやまのく Hackers' Pubへようこそ〜
If you have a fediverse account, you can reply to this note from your own instance. Search https://hackers.pub/ap/notes/0195833a-b655-73d2-8752-0f139bc63b5f on your instance and reply to it.
ここがHacker's Pubちゃんですか
@yamanokuやまのく Hackers' Pubへようこそ〜
If you have a fediverse account, you can reply to this note from your own instance. Search https://hackers.pub/ap/notes/0195833a-b655-73d2-8752-0f139bc63b5f on your instance and reply to it.