Hackers' Pub currently supports three languages: English, Japanese, and Korean. Do you speak any other language? Please contribute!
An intersectionalist, feminist, and socialist guy living in Seoul (UTC+09:00). @tokolovesme's spouse. Who's behind @fedify, @hollo, and @botkit. Write some free software in #TypeScript, #Haskell, #Rust, & #Python. They/them.
서울에 사는 交叉女性主義者이자 社會主義者. 金剛兔(@tokolovesme)의 配偶者. @fedify, @hollo, @botkit 메인테이너. #TypeScript, #Haskell, #Rust, #Python 等으로 自由 소프트웨어 만듦.
공산주의자가 되고싶은 얼치기.
I make things for the #Fediverse & #smallNet
Talk about #DeSo #FediverseUX #P2P #Privacy #SpreadFediverse
I post #SciFiArt
Vlog at #AllYourBases #FinalForm
Work on #FediCon #FediverseAcademy #FediverseCity #FingerProtocol #GreatApe #Microdon #ProToGo #SocialFed #SpaceHost
I life-cast at @reiver
Code in #golang
I like to understand things. I like to make things.
The meaning of life — first survive, then reproduce 🌞
Formal b/g: comp sci, math. Pro b/g: soft eng, ml, research
Poster på norsk og noe engelsk. Booster (?) i tillegg ting som er på dansk, svensk og tysk. Posts in Norwegian and English. Might boost posts in Danish, Swedish and some German. 🗺️ #Trondheim, #Norway 🧑💻 #NTNU #searchable
40대중반, 중소기업 개발자, 90년대 콘솔 게이머. 좋은 하루를 계속해 나아간다. 좋은 하루가 모이면 좋은 인생이 된다.
韓国人のプログラマー、40代、小学生の息子とゲームするのが幸せ😃💕龍が如く 、ゼルダの伝説、マリオ、ピクミン好き
Auf diesem Profil/on this profile:
#a11y #webdev #GravCMS #selbständig #selfemployed #Webgrrls #VGSD #GoodVibes #Tübingen #Linux #FOSS #BildetBanden #CommunityBuilding