이현석 is following

40대중반, 중소기업 개발자, 90년대 콘솔 게이머. 좋은 하루를 계속해 나아간다. 좋은 하루가 모이면 좋은 인생이 된다.

韓国人のプログラマー、40代、小学生の息子とゲームするのが幸せ😃💕龍が如く 、ゼルダの伝説、マリオ、ピクミン好き


자바가 아닌 백엔드를 하면서 삐딱선을 타는 풀스택개발자

모든 게시물은 개인의 입장이며 소속된 조직과는 관련이 없습니다. 오라클 무료인스턴스에서 홀로로 돌리고 있습니다.

Creator of Flask; Building stuff at @getsentry — writing and talking about system arch, API design and Rust. Love my work? You can sponsor me on GitHub github.com/sponsors/mitsuhiko

Account here is largely inactive, moved to Bluesky.

Open source developer building tools to help journalists, archivists, librarians and others analyze, explore and publish their data. datasette.io and many other .

Product-1st Front-end Engineer, based in Singapore. Currently on a career break since July '22. Working on a Mastodon web client phanpy.social @phanpy

Why follow me: I have interests in , , , , , & . I usually post about my side projects, tech events, weird discoveries, and sometimes local news.


Mostly a programmer.

Implementing in the programming language.

Current projects:

* - a library to use ActivityPub in Go.

* - a generic ActivityPub service supporting the client to server API.

* - a link aggregator inspired by (old) reddit, hacker news and lobste.rs built on top of FedBOX.

* - a single user ActivityPub server with minimal fuss.

My posts are mostly related to ActivityPub and web development.

He/him. Board member at CoSocial.ca.

Research Director, Social Web Foundation.

Director of Open Technology at Open Earth Foundation (OEF).

Author of "ActivityPub: Programming for the Social Web" from O'Reilly Media.

Founder of Wikitravel, StatusNet, identi.ca, Fuzzy.ai.

Creator of pump.io. Co-creator of GNU social.

Co-chair of the Social Web Working Group at W3C. Co-author of ActivityStreams 2.0. Co-author of ActivityPub. Co-author of OStatus.

Grad student in CS at Georgia Tech.

Head of Communications @Mastodon joinmastodon.org, communities person 💗💜💙 freelance technologist artist. I do things with code, & tinker with gadgets … one-third of a weekly 🎧 @gamesatwork_biz & part of meetup 🛠️ @Makeroni

Deliberately eclectic.

I like making stuff with code and getting people to come along with me. Making stuff with friends is more fun.

I tend to write stuff in these days with bits of / / tossed in. Playing with too!

I post lots of programming memes and humor apparently.

Engineer and manager at unstructured.io

프로그래머로서 하스켈haskell을 공부하긴 하는데, 프로그래머에게 별로 도움이 안되고, 생각 놀이를 하고 있을지도 모릅니다.

여러 인스턴스를 전전하다가 결국 mastodon.aioo.ooo 인스턴스를 운영합니다.

20+ yrs exp. Indie founder now, again. Building:

* theblue.social
* summarizevideo.ai
* pingnow.net


* hboon.com/about/

Posts for my indie products and related tech thoughts

Python, software, coverage.py, typography, juggling, Boston, autism (dad). Laughing at the world doesn't mean I don't take it seriously. He/him.

Seeking refuge in a distributed world. Web, future programming. Full stack dilettante. Building dropserver.org

hi, I'm amos! 🐿️ co-host of sdr-podcast.com 🫐 writer, video maker, software mercenary ✨ be kind, be curious ✏️ the font is iosevka

Co-Founder (NodeBB) | Husband 🤷‍♂️ and Dad 🙉 to three | Rock Climber 🧗‍♂️ | Foodie 🥙 | Conductor 🎵 | Saxophonist 🎷

✅ Small teams craft better code.
🇨🇦 Made in Canada
🗨️ Federating NodeBB with funding from NLNet ♥️🇪🇺

Explorer of 🌏. Originally from the east coast 🇺🇸. 🇪🇪 e-Resident. Living in 🇰🇷. Serial entrepreneur.

Current work:

Cofounder @stadiamaps (making :osm: more accessible)

Partner @ Funktional OÜ (mobile, distributed systems, and consulting)

VP of Internal Communications @ EERICA (decentralised chamber of commerce)

Motto: Miks mitte?

Interests too broad to fit in a bio.

I am a software engineer, technology journalist in Seoul, KR. I love Python, Django, FastAPI, Node.js, Svelte, and vim. 근데 개발이야기를 안해요. rainygirl.com github.com/rainygirl

fedidev.kr Moderator vim.kr Moderator