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@tatmius@hackers.pub · 1 following · 4 followers
A Japanese web dev. Mainly using tatmius@vivaldi.net
Hackers' Pub의 UI에서 쓰이는 용어를 조금 수정했습니다. “노트”라고 쓰던 것은 “단문”으로, 긴 글을 뜻하던 “게시물”은 “게시글”로, 둘을 아울러서 “콘텐츠”라고 부르게 했습니다.
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Hackers' PubのUIで使われる用語を少し修正しました。「投稿」という言葉を短い投稿を指す時も、短い投稿と記事を合わせて呼ぶ時も使っていましたが、今は「投稿」は短い投稿だけを意味し、短い投稿と記事を合わせて呼ぶ時は「コンテンツ」という言葉を使います。
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@tatmius If you want to write a longer article in Hackers' Pub, try the top-right button with a pencil icon!
@hongminhee Oh I didn't noticed that there's an editor with realtime preview! It looks very convenient!
@tatmius You can look up the permalink of your post from your another fedi account!
@hongminhee Now I can successfully see these posts from my another fedi account! Thank you! 🙏
@tatmius Welcome to Hacker's Pub! ハッカーズパブへようこそ!
@arkjun Thank you!
Oh I can see the both posts now. There is just a lag. but markdowns are not working in vivaldi.social because there's on function to render it. OK. I understand. This platform seems good when I want to post something about engineering or longer stuff with markdown.
めっちゃ上手い事行ったわ。syntax highlightも使えるやーん
@tatmius ようこそ、Hackers' Pubへ!